Limagrain and Arista partnership on track to market first high fiber wheat ingredient in Europe

Limagrain and Arista partnership on track to market first high fiber wheat ingredient in Europe

Following reports that its fiber-rich wheat ingredient has performed well in its first year in US retail stores, Arista Cereal Technologies (Arista) and Limagrain are marketing a new wheat ingredient in Europe. Largely lacking in Western diets, resistant starch is a fermentable fiber that is more resistant to digestion in the small intestine, reducing the […]

Move over soy? Rapeseed has the potential to replace soy in plant-based, say researchers

Move over soy? Rapeseed has the potential to replace soy in plant-based, say researchers

Rapeseed protein consumption has comparable beneficial effects on human metabolism as soy protein, say nutrition scientists in Germany. Soy protein dominates the plant-based space. Ninety-five percent of all plant-based proteins, with the exception of wheat, come from this legume – which originally hails from East Asia. Soy protein contains no cholesterol, a minimum amount of […]


ADM targets sports and senior nutrition with wheat protein concentrates range

Archer Daniels Midland Company brings Nutriance, a range of innovative wheat protein concentrates, to Fi Europe, as the latest addition to its range of ingredients and solutions for taste, function and nutrition. Ideal for clean label solutions, Nutriance delivers 85 percent protein and has a high glutamine content, as well as excellent digestibility. ADM says […]