William Grant & Sons adquiere una destilería en México para la producción de Tequila Milagro

William Grant & Sons adquiere una destilería en México para la producción de Tequila Milagro

La compañía global de bebidas espirituosas William Grant & Sons (WG&S) anuncia el día de hoy la adquisición de una destilería en México, ubicada en Jalisco, para destilar su marca de tequila Milagro.  Dicha acción ayudará a mantener el crecimiento acelerado de la marca y soportará el fuerte momento por el cual la compañía atraviesa […]


EC wants to build a ‘fairer food supply chain’

The European Commission is launching a public consultation on how Europe’s food supply chain can be made “fairer”. The Commission is gathering data on the “necessity and expedience” of possible measures that could be implemented at a European Union level to address or regulate “unfair trading practices with respect to agrifood products”. The Commission noted […]


Product innovation fueling alternative dairy food, beverage sector

Increased consumer comfort with dairy alternatives and scrutiny of dairy foods is helping fuel competition between the dairy and dairy alternative sectors, particularly beverages. Sales of plant-based dairy alternatives, especially almond milk, show no signs of slowing and new alternative sources, such as cashews, are expected to drive the alternative segment even faster and higher […]